4 November 2004

More holidays, February, duck fat, gay cats and snorkels

  • Sarah and Dearly Beloved (aka Adrian) are off to Portugal soon, courtesy of Children In Need.
  • SK detests the month of February.
  • Ms K and Adrian ate a roast duck the other day. Sarah was hoping to cook up some lovely roast potatoes but silly old Adrian drained the fat away.
  • SK can't get over the fact that her two cats take no notice of their reflections in mirrors.
  • It was revealed today that one of Sarah's cats is gay and vegetarian.
  • Today, Kennedy is off to buy a snorkel.
    Roast duck -- don't throw the greasy fat away, next time Adrian, you silly old coot

    Anonymous said...
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    Anonymous said...

    Scott Clout? Is that really you?

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