15 January 2007

SK returns from the Panama Canal!

She's back at last, where she belongs on international Radio 2, and she's forgotten how to drive the oven and work the car!

That silly choir boy has been banished.


Anonymous said...

Counting the days until her next holiday. Bring back the choir boy - please!

Anonymous said...

It shows you are ashamed of that silly little comment at the end that you have done it in such small letters.

You do come out of all this looking so petty and silly yourself with your pathetic comments. You don't have to be so sarcastic about Sarah's stand-in, who did a good job, it just makes you and Sarah look stupid, not Aled. Just say he did a good job, which he did, but you are pleased to have Sarah back - that is the mature, adult response, not your childish pettiness.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you bugger of back to the radio 2 messageboards you trolls! This is a fanbase for Sarah Kennedy. We all love Sarah and can't stand the hasbeen ladyboy Aled Jones!

lorenzothellama said...

I only visited your site as I like the photo of the bottom. I saw it on Tortoiseshell's site. Please visit me anytime you like. I wonder why so many people feel so strongly about poor old SK? She seems pretty harmless to me, unless I am getting her muddled up with someone else.

lorenzothellama said...

I do like your photo. I saw it on Tortoiseshell's blog site and felt moved to investigate further. Please feel free to visit my site whenever you like.