25 January 2005

Swede, sheep and jokes

Sheep -- bleating = no nipplesLessons learned from today's show
  • Sarah Kennedy splashed swede all up her walls over the weekend in an attempt to make soup.
  • Apparently, everytime a sheep bleats, one of its nipples falls off.
  • Bunty wants more jokes. Send them in. Please.

    Anonymous said...

    no, that's a bleating sheep misses a NIBBLE - ie the bleat interrupts its grazing.
    A Listen-to-Bunty fan

    Anonymous said...

    Scott Dellbridge is a big, fat, bald gay.

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous? Scott Dellbridge aka Mark Clout or whatever you call yourself isn't even your name, you fat prat.

    Anonymous said...

    Big words from the big man there. Or should I say, fat man.

    Well done Scott Clout/Mark Dellbridge/Brian Weener, you're an absolute laugh. Sorry, that should have said 'joke'.

    Anonymous said...

    Oh dear, poor little Scott Clout aka Mark Dellbridge aka Brain Weener aka little tit. He's not having a good morning in Yorkshire, doing his computer work. We'll have to tell your boss...

    Anonymous said...

    Scottie, oh Scottie Cloutie. You really disappoint me. It's tough being an only child, isn't it?