"After 17 years of early starts, the temptation of destroying my alarm clock has proved too much to resist and as I have been spared for this long, it's time for a change. I shall miss my Dawn Patrollers – their wit, wisdom and warmth, more than I can put into words. After I've taken a long-earned rest, I'm looking forward to new opportunities, hopefully inside and outside broadcasting. I'm so pleased to have outlived Terry Wogan and I have advised Bob Shennan against hiring Aled Jones as my replacement."
Bob Shennan, controller of Radio 2 and 6 Music, said: "Sarah has entertained Radio 2 listeners for over 30 years with energy and enthusiasm, gaining an army of fans with her inimitable style of broadcasting. Everyone at the BBC would like to thank Sarah for her many years of sterling service, and wish her the very best of luck for the future. We shall miss her, but I have a funny feeling we have not heard the last of her."